Workshop FAQs

When is your next workshop?

I offer two/three workshops per year. I send updates on instagram or via the newsletter to which you can subscribe here.

Will recordings be available after the workshops?

Yes, online workshops will be recorded and available to view for a month after the date of the workshop.
Prior to the workshop you will also receive a 60 pages document with guidelines, lecture notes and bibliography summing up the two lessons lesson.

What experience is required to attend the workshop?

No experience is required, in the past participants have ranged from total beginners to more experienced ceramists, though there are some theoretical and technical parts covered, especially during the first session, regarding geology and chemistry of clays.

I purchased the workshop but cannot attend, can I get a refund?

Unfortunately I am unable to offer refunds in most occasions or if it’s too close to the date of the workshop, but please send me an email and we can find a solution together.

Do I need to have samples of wild clays/rocks/etc foraged and ready before the workshop?

You don’t, during the first lesson you will be given all information to forage your own material, process them and perform a series of tests. During the second lesson, if you’d like and had time during the week to forage, you can bring a few samples of wild clays so that we can discuss them.
For the in-person workshop it’s suggested, but don’t worry if you can’t bring anything.

Can I just watch the lessons or am I required to participate?

You are welcome to participate or just watch the lesson according to how you feel most comfortable.

Will you give exact locations of clays you have collected?

Not because the clays I collect are mine and I don’t want to share them but because if you can’t even do the most beautiful part of the work (the very simple act of looking around and investigating the land around you) maybe wild clay isn’t for you.

Can you tutor me privately?

At the moment, I can’t offer private lessons as my practice is mostly focused on making, but get in touch if you’d like suggestions of a few other ceramicists working with wild clay in Italy or abroad that are able to tutor one-to-one.

Do you offer internships?

I can’t pay the labour of another person and you shouldn’t work for free in this economy.

I have sent you an email/message on Instagram but haven’t received a response yet or ever.

Unfortunately my customer service standards are what most would considered unacceptable and unreliable, but please just be patient and you (probably) will get an answer at a point. I can take up to a few weeks to reply, but sometimes I am much quicker!